Where books are chronicled from beginning to end, and never stop being read.

Contact for Reviews

Please let me know which format you would prefer to provide (ie: electronic or hard copy); and only when you are absolutely prepared for publishing, as I only submit reviews as "published" and available for purchase.

I constantly have new titles that are in line to be reviewed, please allow up to 4 weeks for a final submission.  I will do my best to post before that time frame.
Below is a list of where I post my reviews:
(Only if you have listed your book for sale here) www.booksamillion.com
(For "recommended" title list without the review only) www.informstation.blogspot.com/

Send eBook (pdf, epub) formats to: bookendchronicles@gmail.com
Or if it is a hard copy, please inform me and I will provide a mailing address.

You will be contacted if your book is added for review. As there are a high volume of emails, this can take anywhere from 3 to 5 business days.

Thank you!

I will not review porn, bestiality, or unpublished work. 
Providing a free copy of your work does not guarantee a favorable review. 


  1. Hi Gigi,

    I've tried to send you our latest books for your wonderful reviews, but they keep coming back as undeliverable. Can you please let me know where to send them. You can contact me at cnbbook@gmail.com. Carole P. Roman

  2. Hi, you reviewed my novel, 'The Last Sewer Ball'. I have a new novel coming out and would like to send to you for review; 'High Desert High' by Steven Schindler
